Tribal Hunter is a great action platformer that features boss fights and different types of enemies. The game is a combination of action and strategy, and players control a character that can grow in size and transform into three different forms.
The game’s main objective is to defeat enemies and unlock new skills. Along the way, players will encounter friendly faces and tough enemies. They will also come across nine different main bosses and many secret ones. You will be able to unlock a secret ending that will allow you to unlock the game’s true final boss. This post will look at Tribal Hunter enemies (bosses).

Tribal Hunter Bosses
Boarus, The first boss of the game:
He rules a pig tribe and has been attacking the village for some time. Upon defeating him, Ground Slam ability is granted to the player. His other skills are:
- Acrofatic
- Big Eater
- Ground Pound
- Being Good Sucks
- Sore Loser
Slime King, 4th weight level granter:
Slime king is one o the allies of Pig Tribe. He had made a deal with their leader to gain access to the Crystal Mines. The player gains the 4th weight level upon defeating Slime King. His skills are:
- Asteroids Monster
- Cash Gate
- Flunky Boss
- King Mook
- No Name Given
- Mighty Glacier
- Reformed, but Not Tamed
- Orifice Invasion
- Verbal Tic

Fox Rival, The Repeatable Boss:
Munch (the Player ) encounters him a couple of times during his journey. Each battle grants the player different abilities. His skills:
- Acrofatic
- The Dragon
- All There in the Manual
- Balloon Belly
- The Dragon
- Hyperactive Metabolism
- Papa Wolf
- Perpetual Smiler
- Weight Taller
- Stealth Mentor
- The Rival
Crystal Golem, The Diamond Protector:
The player needs the diamond the Golem protects to gain access to the northern beach. His skills are:
- Gemstone Assault
- Flunky Boss
- Giant Space Flea from Nowhere
- Skippable Boss ( he can be skipped )
- Stationary Boss ( he stays where he is )
Toria, The rogue dragon:
Skills: Toria and the pirates joined forces to find her brother but she has lost her way.
- Flunky Boss
- Guys Smash, Girls Shoot
- No Game Given
- Tennis Boss
- Unexplained Recovery
- Turns Red

Captain Killsha, Lord Darkdread’s Pirate Captain:
The player gains the ability Double Jump upon defeating him. Other skills and features:
- Acrofatic
- Big Beautiful Woman
- Bare Your Midriff
- Butt Biter
- Lightning Bruiser
- Defeat by Modesty
- Oblivious to Love
Wave, The Hive Resident: It’s a dragon waiting for Munch in the middle of a hive. Other skills and features:
- Bubble Gun
- Guys Smash, Girls Shoot
- Grievous Harm Witha Body
- Shockwave Clap
- Heel–Face Turn

Lord Darkdread, The Final Boss:
It’s a huge dragon waiting for you at the end of the game. Other skills and features:
- Attack its weak point
- A Father to his men
- Acrofatic
- Balloon Belly
- Drop the hammer
- Breath weapon
- Dark Is Evil
- Disappeared Dad
- Embarrassing Nickname
- Genre-Savvy
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas
- Heel–Face Turn
- Large and in Charge
- Malevolent Masked Men
- Like Father, Like Son
- Mighty Glacier
- One-Winged Angel
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Real Men Wear Pink
- Villainous Rescue
- Stationary Boss