GetsuFumaDen: Undying Moon is a roguelike hack-and-slash game with gorgeous animations made with the Unreal Engine 4. The game was released back in February of this year for the Nintendo Switch and Microsoft Windows. It was developed and published by Konami Digital Entertainment. The same developer behind the Metal Gear Solid series. You can find the game on Steam for $25. In this article, we prepared a beginner’s guide for GetsuFumaDen Undying Moon that will help you throughout your gameplay.
First and foremost, set a goal for each run you make. In games like GetsuFumaDen: Undying Moon, you will constantly return to upgrade your gear and abilities. Death will take the materials that you need for your upgrades (there is an upgrade that can save a small number of them and that you can unlock). Don’t be greedy; take what you need, and return.
For upgrades, you will need souls. Even though you will go back and forth and gain many souls throughout your run, use them wisely. It’s important to gain more power early and just save your time. The best recommendation we can give is a health upgrade. Vigor is one of the most important aspects of these games.
In almost every run, you will need to spend souls to use your skills. You will unlock them, but using them comes with a price. For the early game, loot weapons could be a better choice because they have random skills already activated, which will make things a lot easier.
Always try a variety of combat and weapon styles. GetsuFumaDen: Undying Moon is a game with many weapons. We recommend you play with each weapon type to find out what you are comfortable with.
These are some essential tips and tricks you can use in your playthrough. You can always check the community on Steam for more solutions and tactics. Do you have any other recommendations for newcomers? Let us know in the comments below.